Genetics & Nutrition: Its about you.


Genetic Screening, Testing and Analysis

What do we do?

Genetic Screening

Find out about yourself, without spitting in a tube. Your health and history provide us a way to look at your genes. Screening for the changes in your genes allows Gene Gazer to help you without the costs and issues surrounding genetic testing. We want to be transparent about the risks associated with genetic testing and to provide a better service through education, understanding and trust.

Why Screening? Genetics and Health

Risk factors. Genetic changes aren’t destiny but those changes can tip the scales. One might make you better and one might make you worse. You might have both and they cancel out. For every well-researched genetic change, there are thousands of others which we know nothing about. Gene Gazer takes the holistic view, we want to educate so you can make your own choices. We want to help you to understand the instructions to your own body. After all, it’s about you.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing allows you to know about the specific genetic changes in your genes. Commercial genetic testing (like 23andMe™) is available, but there are risks to your privacy. Gene Gazer will help you know if genetic testing is right for you. We offer white-glove genetic services to help guide you through the rewards and risks associated with genetic testing. We offer personalized genetic testing to suit your unique needs.

Why Testing? Genetics and Privacy

Genetic testing, also called genetic sequencing, is an emerging technology which allows us to look at the ‘words’ of the instruction manual which make up our minds and bodies. Essentially, genetic testing allows you to look for the spelling errors and grammar mistakes in your own instructions. This is both very exciting and very scary; there are huge implications and challenges to this technology. Gene Gazer wants to help you make informed decisions about getting genetic testing.

Genetic Analysis

Taking raw data into useful, applicable insights is our mission. We want to take a huge numbers of variables including diet, mood, genetics and health to distill those into a clear set of lifestyle recommendations formulated to help you reach your goals and achieve your full potential. Education, understanding and trust are vital to the emerging field of personalized medicine.

Why Analysis? Genetics and Life

Genetic testing is just the first step in reading your instruction manual. Finding useful information, deciphering the genetic code, and crafting practical, personal lifestyle advice from that information is a monumental challenge. Gene Gazer is here to help you in that process. We have a well-researched and curated list of genes and biochemical systems to maximize your ability to reach your full potential. We have focused on genes affecting your nutritional requirements and mental health to provide clear, useful lifestyle advice.